Date: Wed Feb 28, 2001 11:54pm I took PAXIL for 3 months. It appeared to be helping, but, then I became more depressed and started experiencing seizures at night. I stopped the Paxil cold turkey and I nearly lost my mind. I became withdrawn, the seizures have finally stopped after one month off, and I have been experiencing dizziness and shaking. This is the worst experience with prescribed meds I have ever had. Chris Date: Thu Mar 1, 2001 4:17am Response1: Sorry to hear about this, just know that it takes a long time to recover, and dont fall for the doctors to give you more meds. Take care, Cynthia Date: Thu Mar 1, 2001 4:23am Response2: Hi Chris, also welcome to the group. Your experience is very similar to what others experienced in this group with Paxil and other SSRI's. I can feel with you when you say that this is the worst experience you ever had, since these drugs affect your state of consciousness. It's very frightening indeed to observe your own brain taking control over you and you may never forget the impact this experience had on your psyche. I hope you are doing better now. How's your depression right now ? There are alternatives to SSRI's that might be working for you. Charly Date: Fri Mar 2, 2001 6:47pm They put my 10 yr old on Prozac and Seroquel 2 months ago for MDD with psychotic features and PTSD. They misdiagnosed her with ADHD and had her on Clonidine and Adderall. Chris Date: Fri Mar 2, 2001 7:13pm Response1: And how sure are you that THIS dx is correct ? NO 10-year old should be on these drugs!!! PERIOD!!! Trisha Date: Fri Mar 2, 2001 11:33pm Response2: Chris, I am so sorry that they put your child on Prozac, there is nothing that could make me put my child on Prozac, nothing!!!! But I will tell you 1 year ago before I had my reaction, I am not sure I would have said that, the doctors have no business giving your child Prozac, NO BUSINESS WHAT SO EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please educate your self on these drugs and you will feel the same........ I only took prozac for 15 days, and I have been a mess ever since. Did you know that they have never even tested this stuff on kids..... Don't play the guinea pig!! I hope you find alot of info and you get your child off these poison drugs. Take care, Cynthia Date: Sat Mar 3, 2001 2:39am Cynthia, I am just beginning to discover the hidden dangers of SSRI's. A co worker has been teaching me about prozac, that is why I joined this group. The doctors had me on Paxil due to some trauma my daughter and I went through. By the time I Finally went cold turkey on Paxil they have my daughter hooked on prozac. I am finally starting to get my head back together so to speak. The counselors tell me that without the prozac and her other med (Seroquel) that she wont be able to function normally in society. Chris Date: Sat Mar 3, 2001 5:21am Response1: Chris, yes, they like to keep it all in the family, and that line they gave you about needing the drug to function in the real world is common, they are so full of sh*t. I hope that you do what is right for you, and again I am so so sorry that they gave this to your daughter. Is your daughter still on the Prozac ? Will you wean her off ? just be very carefull. God Bless, Cynthia Date: Sat Mar 3, 2001 5:35pm Response2: Chris, what a shame that people are deceived into believing that they can't function normally without these drugs. Unfortunately, it's the introduction of psych drugs that usually starts this vicious cycle. What starts out as a simple diagnosis of mild depression or anxiety seems to escalate until people are taking several meds at once and are duped into believing that they are somehow not normal and incapable of living without them. Patti Date: Fri Mar 2, 2001 11:28pm Response from Chris to Randy: Randy, I didnt have the old memories. It had the opposite effect on me. My short and long term memory span nearly fizzled to nothing. It was just in the moment time.I missed appointments constantly even forgetting to look at the calendar. It got to the point that I was showing up at places I wasnt supposed to be at, at times that wasn't. My short term memory is slowly returning after being off for 2 months now. The long term memory is barely coming back. It was to the point I couldn't remember my own name. Serious. (Paxil) Chris Date: Sat Mar 3, 2001 0:20am Response from Randy to Chris: Hi, I did not see your name, but the thing about memories with me was I began remembering stuff from way back just one week after I used Paxil, this was one of my first indications that Paxil was some strange stuff, I also was left with poor short term memory, I had just been thinking about some strange things that my mind had started doing that started me thinking right off that something wasn't right, I feel now that I shure was being given warnings but unfortunately I think we tend to ignore stuff because our judgement is clouded up these drugs,I don't know about yourself but I was very in touch with my mind and when I started realizing that it was as if something else was in control, I finally stopped taking the stuff however it seemed a little to late at that point. Randy